Stammering for 3 year old
This little boy only needed to be seen for 2 sessions. At referral, there was considerable concern from both parents as this child had a sudden onset of stammering. Initially it had seemed mild, but quite quickly they felt he seemed to be “struggling” more to get his words out, and there was some breath holding and some physical tension in his hands and face.
One session was in his Nursery setting where I could assess his communication functionally and also see him for some 1:1 more formal language assessment. I then offered a parent-only session so I could gain a full developmental history and assess both positive and contributory factors for any ongoing stammering.
This child presented as a sociable and confident communicator. He had a mild delay of his speech pronunciation, expressive language skills and a mild stammer.
I used a risk assessment for dysfluent children and was able to show that he presented with a 'low risk' for continuing to stammer. I was able to identify potential triggers when he was likely to show increased stammering which included certain environmental and linguistic factors.
We developed strategies to address these both for the home and for the Nursery. I was also able to give the family and Nursery staff further literature from the British Stammering Association as well as my own literature about therapy approaches.
No further sessions were needed and he was discharged 2 months later with no concerns from family or Nursery.