Significant speech pronunciation delay for 2½ year old

This child was referred as his mother was concerned that although he was using sentences to communicate, his pronunciation was not very clear and many people could not understand him. Initial assessment suggested no other developmental concerns but his speech was often very difficult to understand.

Although he was young, early intervention is very effective and a home programme was advised rather than regular therapy sessions for early speech awareness. 7 therapy sessions with me were offered plus some telephone review sessions over 18 months.

Within this period, these therapy sessions together with parental input, meant that by 4 years old, this child's speech was developing well and no further therapy sessions were needed. He started Primary School with well developed communication skills.


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Victoria wins BCA Parents' Award 2016!


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Our son had a pronunciation disorder that made him difficult to understand. As we were due to relocate, with the associated change of preschool, our main concern was that his inability to be understood properly would affect his confidence and...
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Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists, Association of Speech & Language Therapists in Independent Practice
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